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Services Overview

Evaluation of Training - Services

Let us help you design and implement a study to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of your training...


Struggling to Get Value from your training?

If your training interventions are currently not cutting the mustard, do you know the real reasons for their lack of effectiveness?

Implementing robust training evaluation strategies will help you get to the heart of the problem and respond with appropriate, workable solutions.

Don't have the time, resource or skills to do this in-house? We have services that can help.


Is this your typical outcome?

A very typical result of some employees taking some training goes something like this.

A small proportion will use their new learning successfully and achieve a concrete and valuable result. A similarly small number will not use their learning at all.

The vast majority will use some of their learning, probably not achieve any significant concrete results and ultimately give up.

Typical outcome

Does It Have to be this Way?

The good news is that this typical outcome can be changed.

We can take the strain and design and implement a complete evaluation strategy for you, but still adding the value you will gain from robust evaluation.

Discover what really worked, what definitely didn't and refine future interventions accordingly.

It can be changed

Want to boost workplace performance?

Answer 15 short questions to see how you can refine and improve the evaluation and impact of your learning.

Your learning impact is easier to accelerate when you can identify and benchmark how you are doing currently.

With the answers you provide we can produce more effective advice on next steps to increase your score for next time. Our results page is packed with useful information so you can start making changes straight away!


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Design and Implementation Options

We have three packages available, one for design only the other two for design and implementation.

Available 'Done For You' Packages

Design Only

Have us design the evaluation strategy and all necessary documentation, while you handle the implementation in-house.


plus VAT

This package includes all of the following:
  • Analysing, scoping and planning out your evaluation
  • Defining and designing your impact model
  • Designing your post-training engagement strategy
  • Creating all required documentation, surveys and handouts
Most Popular

Design and Implement

Have us design the evaluation strategy and all necessary documentation. With this package, we also handle the implementation.


plus VAT

This package includes all of the following:

  • Analysing, scoping and planning out your evaluation study
  • Defining and designing your impact model
  • Designing your post-training engagement strategy
  • Implementing your post-training engagement
  • Creating all required documentation, surveys and handouts
  • Reviewing final results with you and writing up a final evaluation report and recommendations
  • Maximum number of learners in the study: 50

Design and Implement Deluxe

For larger projects. Have us design the evaluation strategy, all necessary documentation and handle the implementation.


plus VAT

This package includes all of the following:

  • Analysing, scoping and planning out your evaluation study
  • Defining and designing your impact model
  • Designing your post-training engagement strategy
  • Implementing your post-training engagement
  • Creating all required documentation, surveys and handouts
  • Reviewing final results with you and writing up a final evaluation report and recommendations
  • Maximum number of learners in the study: 120

You can add extra learners to the study at a cost of £195, plus VAT per 10 learners.

Got more than 120 learners to include in a study? Contact us for a custom quote.


How You Benefit

Implementing robust training evaluation can transform how you and your team are viewed within your business or organisation:
  • massively improve the value and effectiveness of the training you deliver
  • break free from the role of submissive L&D supplier and order-taker, and
  • get the kudos you deserve: become a respected expert, providing genuine value and benefit to your colleagues across your organisation.
Happy trainees

Got Questions? Need Help?

Need some help deciding which package to choose? Have questions about how the evaluation process works? Whatever you want, we'll be happy to help.
Call us on 0845 122 7102
Send us an email at: enquiry@pacificblue.co.uk, or
Use the form below: