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Evaluating Training Effectivenes


    Storyline Scheduled Public Courses

    Pacific Blue

    Recent posts by Pacific Blue

    1 min read

    Blended learning - more cons than pros?

    By Pacific Blue on Thu, Nov 14,2024

    Blended learning has been around for a while now. Plenty of organisations claim to use it. Some actually do. Not so many learners claim to like it. But there are some who actually do.

    However, in this post we'll focus on the reasons a blended approach might not be popular because this can offer some clues about to how to change or refine the approach.

    The objections take a variety of angles:

    For some, it's just a fad. A new name for something we've always done. Long before computer technology there were alternatives or complements to classroom teaching. People listened to cassettes, worked through self-study packs, went to seminars or had one-to-one coaching. What's suddenly so new?

    Others worry that it's just about choice. It's not about really providing a coherent mix of learning. They point to the duplication of content that happens in many organisations. Just the same old stuff being churned out in a variety of flavours.

    What about the work involved? Another common and very valid objection. Aiming for a coherent blend of learning provided through a variety of delivery mediums and instructional techniques is hard. It will take some careful thought and planning. Why bother some might ask, if only a handful of learners fully engage with all the elements.

    It's just a marketing ploy. A ploy dreamt up by e-learning vendors and/or management.  A ploy to get more e-learning in through the back door allowing them to slash the classroom training budget. 

    It gives e-learning a bad name. The people who develop blended learning would much rather be using classroom training throughout. They deliberately put all the boring bits of the blend into e-learning and save the fun bits for the classroom training.

    It's frequently not necessary. Short training programmes or knowledge that can be covered in a day or two simply doesn't require the complexity of a blended approach. To provide it in these circumstances is just overkill.

    As you see, the reasons people don't like blended learning are many and varied. And all those reasons, to a greater or lesser extent have validity.

    Topics: Instructional Design Blended learning
    2 min read

    Project fear - what it means for learning design

    By Pacific Blue on Tue, Aug 13,2024

    Over recent years, the term 'project fear' is a term we've become familiar with. People first started to use the term in the run up to the EU referendum in 2016 and it has been re-used and re-hashed in various ways ever since.

    So here’s a question that at first sight might seem a bit off the wall. Can anything about 'project fear' help us to design better learning? Crazy as it might seem, I believe so. Because 'project fear' should remind us of a very important aspect of learning and instructional design that’s too often overlooked. The emotional state of our learners.

    'Project fear' works on a very simple premise: the more fearful of something you make people, the more likely they are to comply with your wishes. In the case of the EU referendum campaign, 'project fear' also leveraged peoples' general dislike of change. The scarier or more difficult you make change seem, the thinking went, the more likely people would be to resist it.

    Of course, as the authors of that particular example of 'project fear' discovered, the danger is that you over-egg the pudding. The scariness you are promoting starts to look unbelievable and ends up having the exact opposite of the effect you hoped to achieve.

    But the basic premise behind 'project fear' is accurate. In general, none of us much like change and depending on the nature of the change, we can be fearful of it. If that change seems like it involves more effort, more work or disruption to a comfortable routine, many people will resist.

    And it’s this underlying response to change which is so important to us as instructional designers and trainers. Because in a work-based setting, training is often the conduit used to ask us or to persuade us to start doing things differently, to adjust our behaviour or to do things we have never done before.

    If you are creating work-based learning, it is almost certain that you will be creating courses that are preparing learners for a significant change in their job role or its associated performance.

    Because it involves change, your learners may well be less than thrilled about the prospect. In the days or weeks before taking your learning, any number of negative thoughts could have rushed through their heads about what lies ahead.

    By the time they log-in to start the piece of e-learning you have created or walk through the training room door to attend a classroom course you have designed, it’s quite likely they will not be in a frame of mind to think positively about change.

    If your learners are totally in the wrong frame of mind when they start your learning, it has some significant winning of hearts and minds to achieve before it can even start to increase or improve your learners knowledge and skills.


    Topics: Instructional Design Learning Psychology
    2 min read

    Working successfully with subject matter experts

    By Pacific Blue on Wed, May 15,2024

    You don't need to be a campaigner or activist to be passionate about something. We can all feel our pulse quicken, our emotions rise when we get chance to talk or write about a topic that engages us totally.

    And it’s usually because either we know lots about this topic or something we are directly involved with in our working or private lives. Whatever this topic is, we can talk about it for hours without getting bored. We can tell anyone willing to listen about every last detail. In that sense, we are all subject matter experts in something.

    And as learning and development professionals it's worth remembering our own passion for a particular subject matter when analysing and gathering someone else's subject matter expertise.

    Aside from being more empathetic to a talkative SME sat in front of us, is there anything else we can do to make our time with them more productive? 

    There are four areas it's worth considering when gathering content from SMEs. The greater the quantity of content you need to gather, the more you are likely to want to formalise the approaches below.


    Before any information gathering even happens, you need to take ownership of the process. This may involve becoming more assertive than normal: be quite specific about how you want the process to unfold, including the number of meetings you'll need, how long each meeting should be and how much time you'll need between meetings for reviewing and feedback.


    Tempting as it might be to go into your early meetings knowing nothing, better to do research to familiarise yourself with the subject matter area. Spend time creating a basic project plan. Clearly define your and their roles in the whole process. Formally identify the risks of not getting the required information in a timely fashion and communicate this to the project sponsor.


    Your initial research can pay dividends once you start interacting with your SME. Exhibiting some knowledge of his/her topic can help build rapport and, more important, establish your credibility. Earn trust by emphasising the confidentiality of your information gathering sessions and the promise of a review of content before making it more widely available.

    As the content gathering progresses, aim to establish points of shared interest both within the subject matter area and outside. Most people appreciate a little interest in their life outside work.


    Set an agenda in advance of the meeting clearly stating goals and expectations.

    During your content gathering sessions, regularly paraphrase, clarify and summarise what you have covered; use closed questioning techniques if your SME has a tendency to go off on tangents. After the session, collate the content into a structured document you can share with the SME for review and feedback.

    It's easy to dismiss some of the subject matter experts we deal with in our professional capacity as out of control windbags who want to bore us and our learners with every last detail of their knowledge.

    That may be true. But let's not forget, given the right topic and the opportunity, many of us can happily do the same.

    So with a bit empathy and some detailed preparation and worked before, during and after your content gathering, the analysis phase of your project need not be an out of control nightmare.


    Before you start working on your next project, check out our Analysis and Planning modules for help on dealing with subject matter experts and their content.

    Topics: Instructional Design Course Design Subject Matter Experts
    2 min read

    Is there a 'best' delivery medium for learning?

    By Pacific Blue on Tue, Apr 16,2024

    Face-to-face, e-learning, mobile learning, web-based classes. Which is best? Is there a definitive answer?

    One of my favourite bits of research into learning goes back to 1947. It was conducted by Hall and Cushing for the US Army. 

    There was a feeling at the time that film was the 'big new thing' and that this would surely teach people better than classroom instruction. So the army set up some research to find out. 

    They set up a very thorough comparative study using film for one group of students and classroom instruction for another and tested both groups at the end. The results? No difference in learning between the two groups! 

    Numerous studies since have shown that it's really not about one medium being better than another it's typically all about three things: modes, methods and instructional design. Get these right and the learning happens, regardless of the delivery medium. 

    Here's the briefest of explanations of each of those three elements:


    Whatever your medium, you will use some combination of text, audio and visuals - either still or animated. These are your communication modes. There's been plenty of research done on how best to use each of these modes to promote learning. 


    These are the examples and practice activities that lead to learning. If well-crafted and thought through, they will support the mental processing learners need to do to help embed new information and skills effectively. 

    Instructional design 

    This really is the blueprint for your learning that captures the sequence and type of content and activities that will make up the finished course or module. 

    So on the path to building expertise through effective learning, it's not so much the medium, but the best mix of modes, methods and design that will help you achieve your goals and outcomes.


    Getting started with designing courses or feel like you need to strengthen your underpinning knowledge about all this? Our free Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Instructional Design Success is a great starting point.

    Topics: Instructional Design
    2 min read

    Instructional design essentials: making learning meaningful

    By Pacific Blue on Fri, Feb 16,2024

    You know the old adage. Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.

    Brutal? You bet. Eight short words that devastate. Teaching, training, learning (whatever you call it) is a waste of space. Anyone involved in it, is a second-rate loser.

    Unfortunately, those eight short words contain some truth. Look at secondary education. Why are good schools so over-subscribed? Because there are too many failing ones, chock full of teachers who are - well, not very effective.

    Higher education is not that different. It may be overflowing with clever people. But they are often clueless about how to transfer their knowledge and skills effectively.

    And look at the world of work. Plenty of dreadful second-rate training going on there - frequently delivered by subject matter experts who know their stuff - but have no idea how to teach it effectively.

    Of course, it’s not all bad. But far too much of it is. And there’s a theme. Lots of clever people. Mostly eager to share their knowledge and skills. Unclear about how to do it effectively. They use a broken model, developed a long time ago, for a very different world.

    It’s a model which should’ve been consigned to the rubbish heap long ago. But it’s a model that just doesn’t seem to die. What am I talking about? Good old chalk and talk. Or perhaps more accurately in the 21st century, PowerPoint and talk.

    Why this model persists is a mystery. We know more about how to transfer knowledge and skills effectively than we ever did. We have the technology to make this happen more quickly and effectively than ever before. Yet we still struggle along using 19th century methods of teaching and learning.

    Here's the real problem. Subject matter experts thinking teaching is about helping people know lots of stuff. Learners usually need to learn to do lots of stuff. And that provides a clue to the problem. Because there's a huge mismatch between the focus of most learning events: all about knowing; and the needs of the learners: more about doing.

    And the key to re-aligning that mismatch? Meaningful practice.

    Which raises the question, why is meaningful practice so absent from so much learning? Because it's hard to do well, if you don't know how. Faced with the challenge, subject matter experts in particular tend to side-step the problem completely. Much easier to throw a bunch of PowerPoint slides together and talk about them - at length.

    And why do lots of people involved with training find it hard to create meaningful practice? Because they are largely unaware of instructional design. The very guidelines, principles and techniques that would help them to create learning that has meaningful practice at its heart.

    If teaching or training is something you’re about to get involved with and you were thinking about using the PowerPoint and talk model; or, if you’ve been ‘PowerPoint and talking’ for a while now, there is an alternative way ahead.

    Our Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Instructional Design Success can’t teach you everything you need to know about instructional design in a dozen or so pages.

    What it can do is to set you on that alternative path. Steer you away from PowerPoint and talk. Guide you towards a better way of transferring knowledge and skills. Help turn your teaching, training or learning into something your learners look forward to, because they know it works.

    Get your free copy.

    Topics: Instructional Design
    2 min read

    Instructional design: using visuals to support learning

    By Pacific Blue on Mon, Jan 15,2024

    When developing learning materials, most instructional designers and trainers rarely give much thought to how they use visuals and graphics. Typically, they just add them as a way to liven up dull looking text. 

    In contrast, as most graphic designers know well, there is an entire vocabulary and language connected with the use of visuals. This is something rarely included as part of conventional instructional design training. A pity, because it is a language which instructional designers and trainers would get a great deal of benefit from knowing.

    If you are interested in learning more about the language of visuals, as good a starting point as any is an understanding of the five instructional functions for graphics. These functional categories are as follows:

    Decorative visuals: used to make instruction more appealing and motivating. They typically do not have a strong association with the instructional content. Interestingly, in a study of sixth grade science textbooks in the US, Richard Mayer found that over 85% of graphics fell into the decorative category.

    This statistic seems to support the view expressed in the opening of this article - that many instructional designers (and text book publishers) pay little attention to the significance of visuals and graphics. In the light of this finding, it’s probably fair to say that decorative graphics should be used with caution.

    Representative visuals: used to make information more concrete. They convey information quickly and easily, reducing the need for lengthy textual explanation.

    Organisational visuals: help learners understand the structure, sequence and hierarchy of information and help people integrate that into their existing knowledge. Examples include charts, graphs and displays that help people see relationships between elements.

    Interpretive visuals: used to help learners understand difficult and ambiguous or abstract content. In general, they help make information more comprehensible. Examples include models of systems and diagrams of processes.

    Transformative visuals: used to make information more memorable. They are intended to aid learners' thought processes. They focus more on helping the learner understand than on presenting content. Transformative visuals can be a little unconventional and because of this are not widely found in learning materials.

    In conclusion, we've all heard the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words". And many people accept this wisdom without question. 

    In fact, just because something is communicated visually doesn't necessarily make it more valid or easier to understand. A poorly designed visual or graphic could just as easily impede learning as facilitate it. 

    Indeed, a poorly designed graphic where the purpose and instructional function are mismatched might need a thousand words to help explain it clearly to learners.

    Topics: Instructional Design Course Design
    2 min read

    More tips for choosing e-learning software

    By Pacific Blue on Mon, Dec 18,2023

    Looking for e-learning software or e-learning authoring tools, can be a pretty time-consuming process. There are many tools out there, and nowadays most of them are pretty sophisticated. 

    Apart from the obvious criteria of budget, it can be hard to know how to choose. As I noted in a previous post, focusing relentlessly on feature comparison of selected tools is not necessarily going to get you anything other than a headache!

    Let’s be clear, understanding the features and capabilities of the authoring tool you ultimately choose is a very important part of the selection process; but it’s not the only part.

    Here are some more tips for avoiding ‘feature-itis’. They apply to both businesses and individuals and are particularly pertinent to anyone looking at using e-learning software for the first time.

    1. Consider who in the organisation will be using the software

    I’ve already mentioned that most e-learning authoring tools are pretty sophisticated and many offer a very similar feature set. But not all are created equal when it comes to user interface and general ease-of-use.

    I won’t name names but I can think of several tools which all more or less offer the same features. Yet the experience of  using them can be like the difference between night and day.

    Why is this important? If your users are hard-core techies who work out how to use whatever you throw at them, this isn’t a particular issue (although in my experience even hard-core techies appreciate a good user interface).

    But if you r users are less technically adept, a poorly designed piece of development software could dramatically slow development, de-motivate users and cost you a good deal of extra time and money in remedial coaching and training. 

    2. Know your initial instructional design capabilities

    Everyone in the e-learning and training world claims to be an expert in instructional design. Yet if this were true, we’d only ever attend fantastically useful training courses or take brilliantly developed e-learning modules.

    The reality is very different.

    We’ve all been on (or taken) far too many mediocre courses and e-learning modules. So honestly, how good are your instructional design skills? Are you truly original, creative and forward-thinking and, therefore, looking for software that will enable you to push the envelope?

    Or are you a little unsure of what e-learning development requires from you and, therefore, need software that in the early stages of use might provide a bit of structure or support before you spread your instructional design wings and get more creative?


    Looking for help using Articulate Storyline? Check out our available course options.

    Topics: e-learning e-learning software
    2 min read

    In-person training: helping adults learn effectively

    By Pacific Blue on Mon, Nov 13,2023

    When you are designing learning (regardless of the delivery medium) key to success is an understanding of how adults actually process new information and, therefore, acquire new knowledge and skills.

    Different instructional design experts use slightly different ways to describe the basic knowledge transfer process, but when you are thinking about in-person training in essence it boils down to three broad stages.

    Typically, at the start of this process is the presentation stage. This is when the trainer is introducing new or partially familiar knowledge and/or skills to the learners. Ideally, this is done through a familiar and meaningful context, rather than in a dry, abstract way. Once the trainer has carried out some basic checks to ensure learners have grasped the new information, the transfer process quickly moves to stage two.

    Here, learners are given the opportunity to practice what they have just learnt in a structured environment. During this phase, the learners might take part in one or several activities - depending on the level of difficulty and how much need they have for initial practice. 

    Once the structured practice is complete and the learners have grasped the basics, it is time to move to the final stage - more spontaneous practice. Here, learners are encouraged to use their newly embedded skills and knowledge with less structure provided. Ideally, this stage will use a context and activity that is both relevant and motivating to the learners.

    Overall, the three stages move from a very teacher or trainer centred starting point through to a highly learner-centred one - where the trainer can take a back seat, observe the learning in action and provide feedback at the very end of the process.

    One of the advantages of this broad approach is its flexibility and adaptability. You can vary the amount of structured and spontaneous practice you use based on the needs of your learners. 

    You can increase or decrease the amount of feedback you provide based on the results you are seeing. This feedback can be adjusted during the structured and/or spontaneous practice stages. You could even add remedial structured or spontaneous practice at the end of the entire process, if you decide this is appropriate.

    Additional flexibility is available to you with the sequence of stages. For example, you could use a structured practice activity as your starting point. This would enable you to diagnose existing knowledge and possible areas of difficulty before embarking on a customized presentation and follow-on practice activities.

    Alternatively, with more experienced learners, you could turn the process on its head and start with a spontaneous practice activity to see how they cope. Following on from this, you can draw out learning points, leading you to structured practice (or additional spontaneous activities) for the purposes of revision or consolidation.

    Understanding the significance of this flexible 'presentation, structured practice, spontaneous practice' model enables you to create effective learning events that help your learners to quickly acquire and embed new knowledge and skills.

    Need help with instructional design for yourself or your team? As a starting point, why not download our free Essential Guide to Instructional Design Success.

    Topics: Instructional Design Course Design
    2 min read

    Choosing an e-learning authoring tool: more than just feature comparison

    By Pacific Blue on Mon, Jul 17,2023

    There are plenty of websites and articles providing advice about how to assess and choose an e-learning authoring tool that’s right for you, your team or your organisation.

    I’ve looked at many of them. One thing I've noticed time and time again? They only focus on comparing the software features of selected tools. Understanding the features and capabilities of the authoring tool you ultimately choose is hugely important; but it’s not the only consideration.

    It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. What about the people? What about the content you want to write and publish? These are all important elements that play a pivotal role in the development of e-learning. Elements that are easily forgotten in the rush to understand the detail of what a piece of software can or can’t do.

    Leaving aside feature comparison, there are 3 broad areas you might want to focus on when you assess and select authoring tools: people and costs; content, design and quality; publication and distribution. In this blog post, I’ll cover just the first of these three points.

    People and costs

    A good starting point, clearly. Authoring tools vary so greatly in cost, that you need to be clear about what your limits are from the outset. At the very bottom end of the scale, you could go free or spend under a £100 on a single copy of a desktop tool; at the high end you could pay as much as £100,000 a year for a collaborative system available to hundreds of people.

    Whatever your starting budget, is there some flexibility in what you can spend? I ask this because as you assess your requirements you may find you need something more than your original budget can handle. Equally, you could start off thinking you’ll need something sophisticated and expensive, only to discover less is more.

    Some authoring tools are available by annual subscription (as opposed to owning the software outright). As a rule of thumb, subscription models tend to be more attractive to teams with bigger budgets, while standalone desktop tools are more attractive to individuals and small teams. There are pros and cons to both models but both are valid ways of getting hold of what you need.

    Who's involved? This is a critical question. You need to take a couple of things into account. First, what job roles will be included as part of your team. Will it just be just instructional designers or will you have a range of other roles, and therefore, skills? 

    Will the people using the tool be adept at learning it or are they going to need quite a lot of training and coaching? Are they the kind of people who embrace change and new ways of working or will there be an uphill struggle to get them involved? Finally, will you have the resource and budget to provide technical support to your team if needed?

    Will people developing the learning be experts in the subject matter or will they need to get this information from someone else? Do they have the right skills to do this? If they are the SMEs will you be in danger of getting a brain dump? In other words, do they understand the importance of audience analysis and shaping their content around the audience, rather than simply telling the audience everything they know?

    Linked to this is the question of instructional design. Even if your SMEs are good at scoping content for their intended audience, do they understand the importance of good instructional design and the specific do’s and don’ts that apply to e-learning?

    If you are new to e-learning, you may have people brilliant at developing classroom courses, but no real experience of instructional design for e-learning. Some of their existing instructional design skills will be transferable, but their existing knowledge alone probably won’t be enough.

    Topics: e-learning e-learning software
    1 min read

    Saving lives with an e-learning team of two?

    By Pacific Blue on Mon, May 15,2023

    I know, the title sounds a bit dramatic, doesn’t it? But Tom Kuhlmann (who writes Tom's Blog for Articulate users) tells an inspiring story of a piece of e-learning created over a weekend. Rapid e-learning, indeed. 

    And it was rapid with good reason. The company producing it had several manufacturing facilities working 24/7. On this particular weekend, there was a serious accident at one of the facilities and an employee died. 

    The safety team (of two) quickly got to work, creating pieces of content (including video footage), to highlight the sequence of events that led to the loss of life and remind people of the safety rules they needed to follow to avoid a recurrence. 

    12 hours later, the site safety manager had pulled this all together into a piece of refresher e-learning, distributed to all manufacturing facilities across the company. 

    Imagine how long that could've taken with the involvement of a large, corporate e-learning development team?

    The final output from the site safety manager may not have been perfect, but it met the organisation's needs at a critical moment.

    This story brings home a hugely important point it's easy to forget - especially if you work in a large organisation

    Organisations are not interested in creating a piece of e-learning, per se, but in meeting a specific organisational goal. E-learning is simply one way of helping achieve that goal. 

    So at the very start of your e-learning development process, it's always a good idea to step away from the solution and focus on the organisational goal. This gives you the opportunity to assess the best learning solution to meet the goal. 

    This simple assessment can potentially save you many hours of wasted effort and many thousands of pounds of mis-directed budget.  Use your resources as and when appropriate. Not all pieces of learning need to be created equal!


    If you need help with designing your e-learning, check out our e-learning design options.

    Topics: Instructional Design e-learning Rapid e-learning